We are happy to announce that Spam Master just got Drupal Security Advisory approval.
By now we all know that Spam Master is a lean mean fighting spam and websites threats machine. In reallity Spam Master is available in Drupal modules directory since 20018 but without security advisory approval.
After a long process of updating our Spam Master module to comply with Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 api and of course respecting all security implementations and coding standards our module was approved this May with flying colours.
Where can I get the Module?
You can get the module in Drupal Download & Extend directory and install it like you would any other drupal core or extension module, it’s fully Drupal compatible.
Where can I get a license?
When you install Spam Master you get a 7 days free trial with no action needed. After 7 days you can get a full license that costs peanuts per year here, yes… you heard right… per year.