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How to edit WordPress native Meta Widget?

With the WordPress native Meta Widget users can register and login into your website. Unfortunately the widget backend as no options to remove your website RSS link, your website comments RSS link and the WordPress link. For a login / register widget all those links are overkill and they extend a sidebar menu that is supposed to be short.


TechGasp WordPress Advanced Version

What is the TechGasp Advanced Version for WordPress?

It’s a sunny sweet orange. The premium plugin development contains all plugin add-ons, widget features, shortcodes and updater… all without restrictions.


How to secure your wordpress wp-config file

Alongside with the usual intrusions or hacks to your wordpress wp-login file and your admin folder is a neglected file of the out-most importance, the wp-config file.

To secure and protect your admin folder and wp-login file, please refer to this post.


How to protect your wordpress admin page

There are several plugins that do the job but they actually put load and can create conflicts in your wordpress website.

“We find that the best, with less strain or website conflicts and most secure way of protecting your website is by restricting the admin access by means of IP and using server files instead of website plugins.”


WordPress always show admin toolbar in frontend

Many users ask how can they show the wordpress admin toolbar for all users, even the one’s not registered.

The easy fast fix for this is to first check your header.php file, make sure the below code exists right before the ending head tag:


How-to allow user registrations in your wordpress blog

Just because you have a wordpress blog, that does not equal that you don’t want to have registered users that can for instance be blog publishers. Also, there are many other kind of wordpress websites besides blogs, communities, commercial and sales, forums, etc.
